Hernia surgery is commonly performed. But one question is often asked.
Will hernia surgery make my stomach flatter? It's a valid question. But it requires an in-depth look.
What is a hernia?
A hernia is a medical occurrence. It happens when tissue protrudes through the abdominal wall. It can create a bulge. You can see or feel this bulge. It may not look pleasant.
What does hernia surgery do?
Hernia surgery aims to correct this issue. It does this by pushing the tissue back. The surgeon then repairs the wall. Mesh is sometimes used. This strengthens the area.
Will your stomach become flatter?
Hernia surgery can help your stomach appear less protruded. The bulge caused by the hernia can be reduced. But it may not result in a flat stomach.
Why won't it be flat?
There is a reason for this. Hernia surgery fixes the hernia. It does not remove excess fat. So, it can't create a toned stomach.
What about surgery recovery?
During recovery, some swelling can occur. So, your stomach may not appear as flat immediately. As the inflammation subsides, things can improve. But remember, hernia surgery is not a weight loss surgery.
What if I want a flatter stomach?
For a flatter stomach, consider diet and exercise. This can help you lose excess weight. If you need further assistance, speak with a professional. Liposuction or tummy tuck procedures can be an option. It is best to discuss these with your surgeon.
Final thoughts
Hernia surgery can fix your hernia. But it's not a cosmetic surgery. For aesthetic changes, consider the options. Always consult your surgeon. Remember, every body is different. You are beautiful just the way you are.