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When to Consider Mastectomy for Breast Cancer

A mastectomy is a surgery. It is to remove breast tissue. This is done to treat breast cancer. But what stage of cancer requires a mastectomy?

Breast Cancer Stages

Breast cancer has many stages. Stages are from 0 to 4. They describe how far cancer has spread. Stage 0 is the earliest stage. Stage 4 is the most advanced.

Stage 0 or Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

In stage 0, cancer cells are in the breast. They have not spread. Some people with stage 0 do not require a mastectomy.

Stage 1 and 2

In stage 1 and 2, the cancer is larger. It may spread. Not all people in stages 1 and 2 require a mastectomy. A lumpectomy may be enough. In a lumpectomy, the tumor is removed. Healthy tissue is kept.

Stage 3

In stage 3, cancer has spread. It may have reached the lymph nodes. Many people with stage 3 require a mastectomy.

Stage 4

In stage 4, cancer is far spread. It may reach other body parts. A mastectomy may not be enough. Stage 4 treatment is complex. It may include different methods.

Why a Mastectomy?

Why do some people need a mastectomy and others do not? The answer is complex. It depends on the stage and the person. It also depends on the person's health. Other factors matter too, like age. A doctor can provide the best advice.

Three Types of Mastectomy

There are three types of mastectomy. They are simple, total mastectomy and radical mastectomy. In simple, only breast tissue is removed. In total, the breast tissue and some lymph nodes are removed. In radical, the whole breast, many lymph nodes, and chest muscles are removed. A doctor decides which type is best.

Final Thoughts

A mastectomy is a drastic step. It is only needed in certain cases. The stage of cancer is a factor. But there are other factors too. You should always consult a doctor for advice.


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