What does your chest look like after a mastectomy?
After a mastectomy, your chest can look and feel different. A mastectomy is a surgery that removes one or both breasts. This is done to treat or prevent breast cancer. But what does your chest look like after this procedure? Let's find out.
Immediately after a mastectomy
Right after the surgery, your chest will be flat on the side where the breast was removed. It will have scars and may be swollen. There could also be tubes to help drain excess fluids from the surgical area. These changes can be temporary as your body heals.
Long-term appearance changes
Long-term, the flatness and scars remain. On the side of the mastectomy, there is no natural breast tissue left. The scars fade over time, but they do not disappear. Roundness in the chest can only be regained through a breast reconstruction surgery.
Breast reconstruction after mastectomy
After healing from a mastectomy, you can opt for breast reconstruction. This is a separate surgery. It creates a new breast mound using implants or tissue from other parts of your body. The recreated breast can be very realistic. It can restore balance to your chest. But, it will not have the same sensation as your natural breast.
Going flat after mastectomy
Some people choose not to have breast reconstruction and stay flat. They embrace their new body shape. It is a personal choice. Clothing and prosthetic breast forms can help achieve the look of a natural breast under clothes. It's all about what makes you feel confident and comfortable.
Healing, physically and emotionally
Change to your body image after a mastectomy can affect your self-esteem. But with time, healing, and support, many people adjust to the changes. There are many resources and support groups to help you navigate this journey.
After a mastectomy, your chest will look different. But remember that this procedure is a step towards health. The choice to reconstruct or stay flat after a mastectomy is personal. Either choice is valid and deserving of respect. You are more than your physical appearance. You are strong, and you are a survivor.