A breast augmentation is a surgery. It increases the size of the breasts. Surgeons carry it out. They use breast implants. Sometimes they transfer fat. Let's break it down.
Breast Implants
These are prostheses. They mimic the shape of natural breasts. They are made of silicone shells. Instead, they can be saline-filled. Silicone-filled ones are also common.
Fat Transfer
What is fat transfer? It is another process. Fat is removed from your body. Usually, it is from the thighs. Or the abdomen. This fat is injected into the breasts. This increases their size.
Are You a Good Candidate?
You might think about this surgery. It depends on certain factors. You could be concerned about your size. Maybe you want a fuller figure. Perhaps pregnancy changed your breasts. Aging might have affected them too. Consult a surgeon for advice.
The Procedure
Let's talk about the surgery. Anesthesia is given. The surgeon makes cuts. It's under the breasts. Through these incisions, they insert the implants. They can also insert them through cuts in the armpits. The surgeon then seals the cuts.
What after the surgery? There will be swelling. It lasts for a few weeks. You will need time to recover. The stitches are removed after a week. Or two. You might need to wear a surgical bra. It decreases swelling. It also helps in healing.
Possible Risks
It seems simple. Yet, there can be risks. You might have pain. Or infection. You can have scar tissue. It might distort the implant shape. Your breasts might not look the same either. An implant might also leak or rupture. Consult a doctor to understand better.
Go for this if you need it. You should not feel pressured. It's your body. Remember, it's major surgery. Take your time. Think it over. It's a personal decision. It should make you feel good. And at ease.