A nose job, scientifically known as rhinoplasty, is a common cosmetic surgery that can modify the shape, size, or proportions of your nose. You've likely heard of the positive and transformative results. But what does no one tell you about a nose job? Let's shed some light on the hidden aspects of this procedure.
The Initial Reaction Might be Surprising
Following the procedure, you might notice bruising and swelling, especially around the eyes. This is natural. But what might worry you is your new nose. Initially, it might appear a little outsize. However, this is temporary due to swelling, and it takes time for the final results to be visible correctly.
Patience is Key
Recovery needs time and patience. It could take up to a year for the new nasal contours to fully refine after a rhinoplasty. So, be patient throughout the healing process.
Frequent Nose Bleeds
Though rare, some patients may experience nosebleeds after a nose job. They are generally harmless, but frequent nosebleeds require medical attention. It could indicate a complication.
You Might Require a Revision Nose Job
On occasion, some patients might not be satisfied with their initial results. In such cases, a revision surgery might be considered, but not before a whole year after the primary procedure.
May Affect Sleep
After surgery, patients are advised to sleep upright. This can be slightly discomforting and affect your sleep quality temporarily.
Numbness is Common
You may experience lack of sensation or numbness around the nose area after the procedure. This is customary and dissolves with time. If it doesn't, consult your surgeon.
Visible Scars are Quite Rare
Except for open rhinoplasty, nose job procedures are known to leave behind little to no visible scarring. The incisions are generally made within the nose or along the natural creases, making them less noticeable.
Glasses May be a Struggle
Post-surgery, glasses might feel heavy on your new nose. It's advised to avoid them for a few weeks if you can or opt for lighter frames.
A nose job is a significant step. Understanding these lesser-known facts can help you be better prepared for the journey. Always consult with a skilled surgeon, address all your concerns, and step into the surgery room with an open mind and realistic expectations.