How long does it take to recover from a hip replacement?
Recovering from hip replacement surgery is unique to every person. The recovery process can take a few weeks to several months.
One of the most crucial factors is your commitment to post-surgery rehab.
First few days after surgery
After your surgery, you may stay in the hospital for a few days. Doctors and nurses will attend to you around the clock. Physical therapists will guide you to start moving your hip.
First week at home
Once you’re home, it's critical to continue doing exercises given by your physical therapist. Regular movement will maintain circulation and help you regain hip strength.
First month post-surgery
Within the first four weeks, you might walk with crutches or a walker. Most people can perform everyday tasks.
Month 1 to 3
Your rehab will continue. Therapists will focus on your range of motion. You might ditch crutches around this point.
Month 3 to 6
Your hip muscles should now be stronger. Walking should be possible without help. More intense activities might still be off-limits.
Six months onwards
You should regain near normal hip function. In the year following surgery, any minor discomfort should fade.
Factors influencing recovery period
Several factors can impact your recovery period. Age, overall health, and how active you were before surgery can contribute.
Your commitment to rehab exercises and maintaining a healthy lifestyle also plays a large role.
The importance of realistic expectations
The end goal of hip replacement is to enhance your quality of life. Stay patient throughout the recovery process. Consulting your surgeon and physiotherapist is key for specific advice related to your case.