Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, often referred to as CABG, is indeed a major surgery. It is a common procedure to treat coronary heart disease. High levels of data have proven its effectiveness and safety. Yet, due to its profound nature, it falls under the category of major surgeries. So why is it considered a major surgery? Read below to discover more.
Understanding CABG
In CABG, a surgeon uses a piece of blood vessel from your chest, arm, or leg. This piece is then used to create a "detour" around a blocked section of your coronary artery. The purpose? Blood can start flowing to your heart muscle normally again. Brilliant, isn't it?
Why is CABG called a Major Surgery
Now let's understand why we call CABG a major surgery. "Major Surgery" often refers to an operation involving a high level of complexity. It puts stress on a patient's body, demands utmost precision, and requires general anaesthesia. Additionally, recovery usually needs a substantial amount of time. Under these parameters, CABG is indeed a major surgery.
Complexity of CABG
CABG is complex because it treats a delicate and vital organ, the heart. It also demands a high level of accuracy from the surgeon. Unlike minor surgeries, where the risk of complications is low, CABG can have complications. These include infection at the wound site, kidney problems, heart attack, or stroke.
Impact on the Body
CABG influences the body significantly. It includes making incisions and stopping the heart temporarily. This process places stress on the body. Hence, patients need time to recover after surgery.
The Use of General Anaesthesia
In CABG, the patient is put to sleep using general anaesthesia. It is another indicator of major surgery since local anaesthesia won't suffice. General anaesthesia allows surgeons to operate without the patient feeling any pain or discomfort.
Recovery Period
The recovery period after CABG is extensive. It could range from 6 to 12 weeks or more. Also, patients might need professional rehabilitation to get back to normal life. This demanding recovery period classifies CABG as a major surgery.
So is CABG a major surgery? Yes, it is. But with advanced medical techniques and skilled surgeons, this procedure has become comparatively safe. With the right aftercare, most patients see a significant improvement in symptoms and overall quality of life.