How Long Does It Take For Ablative Laser Resurfacing To Heal?
You've decided to have ablative laser resurfacing. It's exciting. But you have one big question. How long will it take to see the amazing results? The process can take a few weeks to a few months. It depends on how you handle the post-procedure care. Let’s dive into the details.
Immediate After Effect
Once your treatment is over, you will feel some discomfort. You should expect redness and swelling. These are normal reactions. You'll usually feel fine in one to two days. Apply ice packs to help reduce the swelling. Your skin will start to peel in 24 to 48 hours.
Ablative laser resurfacing is a great way to rejuvenate your skin. Learn about the process. Understand the time it takes to heal. Know that it does take time. But the end product is worth it. With great post-treatment care, you’ll love your new look!